BASF Professional & Specialty Solutions


Insignia® is a strobilurin-based local penetrant fungicide available in a water-dispersible granule formulation.

Authorised for use on managed amenity turf, Insignia® contains, 200 g/l (20%) pyraclostrobin providing both protective and curative action. Insignia® delivers additional benefits to the grass plant over and above direct disease control.




✓ It will prime the turf immune system before a stress event

It will help grass plants regulate beneficial responses during a stress event.                                                                                                  

In addition to directly controlling fungal pathogens, Insignia® helps plants to:

Resist disease attacks

Withstand abiotic stress (e.g., heat and drought)

Grow more efficiently

Product Details

Product Overview  
Application Suitable for application all year round in temperatures between 5-25°C
Maximum individual dose 1.25 kg/ha
Maximum total dose 2.5 kg/ha/year
Pack size 250g Contains pyraclostrobin
Other specific restrictions
  • Performs consistently at cooler temperatures
  • Rain fast within 1 hour of application
  • Best applied preventatively or at first signs of disease
  • Authorised for maximum of two applications per year

Why Insignia®?       
As a fungicide, the pyraclostrobin within Insignia® severely inhibits mitochondrial respiration inside the cells of pathogenic fungi. This prevents the breakdown of carbon that is required for fungi to produce the energy they need to function. In addition to the fungicidal properties, pyraclostrobin actively works beneficially within the grass plant, whereby a minor inhibition of mitochondrial respiration triggers a cascade of positive events which lead to plant health benefits. These benefits are an intrinsic aspect of the way in which pyraclostrobin and Insignia® positively impact the reorganisation of metabolic and physiological plant processes.

Protection inside the plant

Protection on both sides

Protection over time

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Information: Use biocide products carefully. Always read the label and product information before use.